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Guest Loyalty

What are your premier advantages?

There is no need to participate in our loyalty program to book any of the Small Elegant Hotels, but if you do you can even enjoy more advantages. Become a Loyalty Guest with Small Elegant Hotels and receive advantages worldwide.

Starting with your first hotel booking you can take advantage of your Loyalty Membership and your personalized loyalty card. Receive "Better Room Rates", “A Free Bottle of Wine Brought to Your Room”, “Room Upgrades”, “Special Loyalty Cardholder Offers”, “Free Nights”, and much more. The advantages are endless and individually tailored from hotel to hotel especially for our loyal guests.

For the one-time fee of just US$49 you will become a Loyalty Guest including your own golden Loyalty/VIP card. Just click on “Subscribe” now and receive immediate access to better prices, individual offers, and more.

You can pay by credit card or paypal.